Dr. Deo Pandey Receives a Citation from Government Vets

Dr. Deo Pandey, the vet in charge of Kalimpong
Animal Shelter received the citation below:

To : Dr. Deo Prakash Pandey, B.V.S.C. & A.H., M.V.SC.,


Your returning to Kalimpong after completion of your study of Veterinary Science has virtually been like an entry of a herald of the end of era of rabies terror in the whole of  the Darjeeling Hills. For with your deft hands, since your joining the Darjeeling Goodwill Animal Shelter as a Vet-in-Charge on 1-11-2009, you have, as has been known to us – done Animal Birth Control Operations (Ovario-Hysterectomy) on 5400 bitches under 450 animal birth control and ARV Camps organized till date not only in the town areas but also in the far flung remote and difficult rural corners of the Darjeeling Hills bringing about remarkable reduction in rabies incidents as a result.

Your dedication to your job, capacity to undertake hard work and power to endure thirst and hunger during long hours of surgery coupled with your humble nature and pleasant temperament you have been actually spreading message of goodwill true to the name of the Organisation you are associated with, amongst the people who become  spontaneously involved with you during the camp hours be it in the town areas or in the villages. On this historic occasion of district level National Prani Saptah Celebration – 2017 being held first time in newly formed Kalimpong District in the state of West Bengal ARD Department has the most profound pleasure to present this Letter of Appreciation expressing deep gratitude and the best wishes for your good health, prosperity, peace of mind to you sir.

Letter signed by:

Organising Committee, National Prani Saptah
Celebration-2017 (District level)
Kalimpong District.
Organising Block, Animal Resources.

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