Chowrasta, the most intriguing square in Darjeeling is one of the best spots to hang out, with friends, family, and children. It is thronged by many locals and tourists alike every day and the place has been an open home to many dogs and of course, the Ponies, which are used for joy rides.
Category: DAS
Weekly Report from Kalimpong Animal Shelter

The clinic at KAS has been the centre for treatment of animals near and far and KAS clinic has always been playing an important role in providing treatment to these animals, come rain or shine.
February Report from Darjeeling Animal Shelter (DAS)

Daily rescue calls, emergencies and catching of dogs' ward vaccinations keep the Darjeeling Animal Shelter team engaged.
January report from Darjeeling Animal Shelter (DAS)

The dogs of Darjeeling have enjoyed the snow again. Yes, Darjeeling experienced heavy rainfall and snowfall on 5th January, 2022.
Camp at Upper Pudong

Both Kalimpong and Darjeeling Animal Shelters carry out many camps every year, mostly in remote villages and settlements, which are...
Goodwill Story

THANK YOU KALIMPONG AND DARJEELiNG ANIMAL SHELTERS By Rennie Mas, Bussinessperson, Port Blair I was staying in Kurseong, visiting friends...
Wonderful Success

When Christine Townend first arrived in Darjeeling, she saw a dog, dying slowly in the gutter, frothing at the mouth,...
The love of street dogs

In March and April Christine and Jeremy Townend, who founded Kalimpong Animal Shelter and Darjeeling Aimal Shelter visited both, and...
The Difficulties We Face

At the best of times, running an animal shelter in a remote region like Darjeeling presents challenges. Daily power outages,...