On a fine spring morning the Shelter Vet and staff left for the camp organised at Icchey Goan meaning ‘’Wishing...
Category: News
Camp at Upper Pudong

Both Kalimpong and Darjeeling Animal Shelters carry out many camps every year, mostly in remote villages and settlements, which are...
Camp at Kanke Bong

On the 25th of March, 2017, Kalimpong Animal Shelter organised a camp at Kanke Bong, which is located in the...
Greyhound Ban Overturned

Although the majority of the population in NSW approved of the ban on greyhound racing, and the Premier felt strongly...
Amongst distressed human and non-human animals in flooded Kaziranga National Park, India

Dr Naveen Pandey, former Chief Veterinary Surgeon of the Darjeeling Goodwill Animal Shelter, Kalimpong, now Deputy Director and Veterinary Advisor...
Happy Birthday Christian!

Christian was born on the 12th August 1969 in an unprepossessing and long closed down zoo in Ilfracombe, Devon, UK....
Ban on Greyhound Racing in NSW

In a surprise and welcome move, the NSW government in Australia has recently declared greyhound racing will be banned in NSW from July 1 next year. This followed expositions of extreme cruelty in the seemingly endemic use of “live baiting and the “wastage’ of up to 68,000 underperforming dogs killed over the last 12 years.
Goodwill Story

THANK YOU KALIMPONG AND DARJEELiNG ANIMAL SHELTERS By Rennie Mas, Bussinessperson, Port Blair I was staying in Kurseong, visiting friends...