• A monthly general staff meeting was held on Monday to revise and review the work of KAS . The meeting was attended by all and initiated by Trustee, Mrs Yamima Dupont and Mr. Arpan, the Manager at KAS. Minutes included every day work and rescues, Shelter cleanliness and maintenance, timings of staff and animal care. There’s been a slight switch on Animal Care day which was held on Monday every week to be now scheduled for the second half every day. Since there are animal cases to be looked after in the first half at KAS Dispensary where mostly there is a crowd of 14-15 owners with their pet animals or sometimes more every morning. The team discussed that the second half of the day would be best to do the follow-up on Shelter and rescue dogs admitted in kennels
  • The Animal Clinic as always has been open for patients every day. Numerous outpatients were seen and treated this week by the Vet, Dr. Deo Pandey and ParaVets at KAS
  • Fewer blood tests and XRays were conducted this week depending upon the cases seen by the Vet
    There was a spay and neuter camp held on Thursday at Dang and Mongol Busty in Kalimpong. The camp was attended by Dr. Deo and ParaVets, Mr. Lil, Lakpa and Mahesh. And Mr. Sanjeev was there to take care of the Animal Dispensary which was open for patients
  • A few of the puppies that were put up for adoption have found their ‘forever home’ though the other few are still waiting to be adopted
  • Some of the dogs have had their day out this week where they enjoyed being out, being so free and basking under the sun

Thank you for your support,
Best wishes
The KAS Team

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